Created By Divya Mamgai
GitHub Repo
Licensed under MIT

TagInput.js 1.1


Event Status

Try submitting (when it's empty) in a HTML5 browser and see the support of HTML5 browser validation working!
<input id="Keywords" name="Keywords"
CSS Code
.TagInput label {
    color: #888888;
    transform-origin: 0 0 0;
    -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
    -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
    -ms-transform-style: preserve-3d;
    transform-style: preserve-3d;
    will-change: transform;

.TagInput label.Material {
    -webkit-transform: scale(0.8) translate3d(0, -1.7em, 0);
    -moz-transform: scale(0.8) translate3d(0, -1.7em, 0);
    -ms-transform: scale(0.8) translate3d(0, -1.7em, 0);
    -o-transform: scale(0.8) translate3d(0, -1.7em, 0);
    transform: scale(0.8) translate3d(0, -1.7em, 0);
.TagInput label is a required prefix for custom CSS style to properly override the defaults.

Option Description Default
TagInput A boolean attribute given to the input element which tells TagInput.js to automatically apply $.fn.TagInput() on the target element. true
Glue A substring that is used to bind all the tags into a string which is assigned to the original input element which can be further processed by backend handling the form. It cannot be SPACE. ,
RemoveIcon Class(es) which is(are) applied to a span element to act as Remove Tag Button. glyphicon glyphicon-remove
MinLength Minimum number (>= 1) of characters required for a valid Tag. 1
MaxLength Maximum number of characters a Tag can have. No Limit
LabelAnimationClass A class which is added to the associated label when the TagInput is focused or is non empty. Hide
All the HTML element attributes are preceded by data- substring.

Method Parameter Return Description
ToString null string Returns a string formed by joining Tags with the Glue.
UpdateValue null string Updates the value of the TagInput element, i.e. it joins all Tags using Glue and assigns it to the TagInput element. It returns the updated value.
AddTag string boolean Adds a Tag with the text supplied and returns true if successful else false. If the text contains Glue then it is replaced by Space. It searches for a Tag with exact matching text, if found the Tag is not added.
RemoveTag jQuery
[, number ]
boolean Removes the Tag specified by the jQuery object of that Tag. If the index of the Tag in the TagArray is available it can be passed as the second parameter, in that case it is not calculated using the element provided. It returns true on success and false on failure.
GetArray null array Returns TagArray which is an array of objects with following properties :
  • Text : string
  • $Tag : jQuery (object of the target Tag)
GetTextArray null array Returns Text only array of all the Tags.
GetTagCount null number Returns the number of Tags.
ConvertToHiddenInput null string Creates an array of hidden input based on the Tags with the name attribute as that of the original input element (with additional array sign; []) and disables the original input element so that backend scripts can easily receive an array of all the Tags. This function is to be run before form is submitted using onSubmit event. It returns the name attribute given to hidden inputs.
Reset null TagInput Clears the TagInput element completely for the next time input.
These functions are accessible through $'TagInput'). Also if you want to alter private functions they are accessible through Private property.

Event Extra Parameter Description
TagInput:AddTag array, jQuery, string This event is fired when AddTag() method is called. TagArray, $Tag and Text are extra parameters, where $Tag is jQuery object of the Tag added and Text is it's title as string.
TagInput:RemoveTag array, string This event is fired when RemoveTag() method is called. TagArray and Text are extra parameters.
TagInput:UpdateValue event is removed in 1.1.


jQuery (>= 1.4) jQuery 3.0 Ready (Slim Compatible)